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Toronto, ON

(416) 566-8090

DTM performs a wide range of general contracting, from renovations and repairs to full house remodelling.  We pride ourselves in being very meticulous in everything we do—and we never leave the customer unhappy!

Welcome to DTM

DTM Construction is a GTA-based General Contractor.

DTM performs a wide range of general contracting, from renovations and repairs to full house remodelling.  We pride ourselves in being very meticulous in everything we do—and we never leave the customer unhappy!




We offer convenient appointments for quotes that include a walk-through and a fully detailed, easy-to-understand quote. We want our customers to know where every penny is being spent at every stage of the project so that there are no surprises. 

Daniel Shallow is originally from St Johns, Newfoundland and has been in the construction business for over 10 years. His dedication, hard work and easy-going personality have earned him an army of loyal and satisfied customers.

Daniel and the DTM team look forward to helping make your home more liveable—on time and on budget.